+31 623 118 438 jeroen@pd-value.com


Introducing the MoreChi WC Kempo2019 team

The team of MoreChi is a group of excellent sportsmen. One of them, Michiel van Rijn, actually is reigning World Champion Kempo, as he has won the 2018 semi-contact series for the middle weight class. In 2019, two adults will compete in both Fighting and Traditional...

Sponsoring a martial arts tournament team

PD-value is a proud sponsor of the More Chi Martial Arts team for their participation in the World Championship Kempo 2019 in Spain. Martial arts is about improving yourself. That is in a nutshell the link between a pharmacometric company and a martial arts team. The...

Want to know more?

For further introductions or to explore avenues of collaboration, please send an e-mail to jeroen@pd-value.com or see the contact page for other communication options.